My turn on the New Blogger Blog Hop

It is my turn this week on the New Blogger Blog Hop sponsored by Beth at Plum and June. 

Since joining this Blog Hop I have learned so much and am still in the process of making everything better. I have added an About me page HERE (quilty pics) and a couple bits about why I started my blog. More quilty pics Quilt Gallery .  In a nutshell, it is a tribute to my Mom and all the quilty-ness and crafty-ness I grew up with. My Mother was very creative in so many ways.  I am one of 10 children and so she 'had' to be creative and know how to make things from not much. 

1. resin on photo keychain 2. reading a yard of books 3.magnet note holder 4. building a shed
5. rag rug 6,7,8. earring making
9,10. bracelet making 11. quilted letters tote 12. doll making
13. hand puppets 14. shower table of food 15. quilted zipper bags 16. frame purse

Crafty things I love: Above are a few things I have dabbled with in the last couple of years. Some involve sewing and some not but most involve math...shhhh! :) Building that shed with my husband not only involved math but involved precise math since he is a perfectionist and sadly I strive for it but rarely ever gain it!

**One thing about me that not many know is that the things I make from nothing (or almost nothing -found objects or given things) are the ones I cherish the most and hate to give away. Crazy I know. 

Quilty Tips: 
1. Take time to learn everyday. I spend bits of time online and with other blogs and love what I see going on in the quilt world. Instead of rushing out for the latest ruler or pattern I take notes. If I truly love it and am sure it is not a fad with me I will think about getting the item or joining the group doing it. Otherwise, stay calm and work on what you have. Starting things is great but finishing things is soooo wonderful. 

2. I do not like basting quilts so I pin baste with the Kwik Clip tool. It makes it so easy and no sore fingers. 
Frixion pens are FaB-U-Lous!  In my recent post seen HERE I marked all the circles on my partly cream colored quilt with a RED Frixion pen and a dinner plate.  I quilted with my toes crossed since my hands were busy and just iron over the pen marks and it is gone!!!! LOVE THIS!

Lastly, I won this Havel Embroidery Scissors at my Quilt Guild. Good grief....if you don't have a sharp scissors handy for threads and tiny clips you are making life too hard. Get a sharp scissors...oh and don't skimp on rotary blades either. 

Blogging tips:  Well....I am new so I don't have much to contribute yet. All I can say is do what you can do by learning from wonderful blogging opportunities like this one from Beth from Plum and June blogspot. Take one challenge at a time to fix and make better. Make friends and take some constructive help. Don't forget that you are working on this blog because you love to quilt and create. So make sure you are doing that and not caught up in the perfection of a blog or picture.  Most other bloggers that love to Quilt know this is true and why we are here to begin with.

**Stuck on making tabs with drop down menus.  Promise to figure out and get Tutorial working and ways to add Quilt from past finishes. 

In the meantime....enjoy the other bloggers (below) for this week on the New Blogger Blog Hop.

Friday, June 28
Green @ So Sew Green
Gwendellyn @ The Rainbow Revolts
Jessica @ Stitched In Thyme
Amira @ Little Mushroom Cap
Kathy @ Kayak Quilting
Michelle @ Factotum Of Arts
Paula @ The Sassy Quilter
Kris @ Sew Sunshine
Camilla @ Faffling

Thanks for stopping by and please feel free to leave me a comment. 


jan said…
I loved your post and getting to know you! I have to get one of those Kwik Clip thingys. I am a new follower.
Kris, I really enjoyed reading your post and getting to know you better! I really need to get one of the Kwik Clip tools. I really hate basting and I'll try anything to make it more bearable!

:) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation
oh! and I completely agree with you about blogging and quilting. I love blogging about quilting, but I love actually quilting MORE! For me, it's about sharing and making friends in the online quilting community, rather than a "perfect blog."

:) Kelly
Lorna McMahon said…
It has been a pleasure to get to know you through the New Blogger Hop, Kris! I really enjoyed your About Me page and reading about your special connection with your mom. You should have told us you were sharing all the quilty pics over there! Ha, ha! Loved them all!

Vicki said…
What a pleasure to get to know you! I have always wanted a kwik clip tool. Now, where did I put that shopping list?
I have had my eye on those scissors for a while! I love my kwik clip and frixion too! Great tips. Great post.
Unknown said…
Great post. It was lovely to get to know you. I scrolled down and love, love, love that June finish. I'm completely infatuated with sewing circles/curves right now. And that pink is gorgeous!!! Thanks for making beautiful things and sharing them with us.
A kindred soul when it comes to basting! UGH! But that Kwik Klip is a wonderful thing indeed! Nice to meet you on this blog hop!

Ali said…
Hi nice to meet you. I love the mini in your header. I shall have to look into one of these kwik klip things.
NW Patchwork said…
Great post! Thanks for sharing pics of your craftiness :) I'm with you--I love the kwik klip and the frixion pen. I use them both all the time!!
I really love the quilt in your blog header - it is so bright and vibrant and fabulous! I love your philosophy on learning something every day. Nice to meet you though the blog hop!
Rachel said…
Good to meet you. I have heard a lot about the Frixion pen. I must try it out.
Anna said…
It is lovely to meet you! I love your collage of pictures. Gives a good insight into you and your craftiness!
Julie said…
Kris, great post and I agree, that Kwik Clip is so helpful!
Celtic Thistle said…
Nice to meet you. I shall have to check out the Kwik Clip I hate basting :)
Stacey Napier said…
I am with you on the Frixion pen - and I have those same Havel scissors, they are fantastic!! Great to meet you on the blog hop :)
Camilla said…
Haven't seen a Kwik clip tool. Despite its tedium I do think pin basting is the way to go, but anything that relieves the tedium is worth a look! Beautiful NY Beauty in your header!
I need to take your tip on not joining or buying everything I see online. I do that so often and I end up not finishing anything! Thanks for that great tip. You had a really great post!
Stephanie said…
I have never ever heard of the Kwik Clip but basting is not a favorite step of mine, so I'll definitely be checking it out! Thanks for the tip and it's nice to get to know you better through the Hop!
Erica said…
I love Frixion opens too, and I just basted my first quilt with the Kwik Klips tool and it is amazing!
Anonymous said…
I hate basting too, and am heading to my local quilt shop this week to check out the kwik clip tool. Thanks so much for the tip.
Erica said…
Nice to meet you! I am with you on the basting thing. I have seen the Kwik Clip tool but never tried it. I love your first point about not joining or buying every thing that comes along. I have been trying to learn that for myself. I would get so frustrated reading all the blogs and being envious of everyone's finishes but then I realized if I read less and sewed more, I could have finished to show as well!!! I enjoyed your post, thank you for sharing!
Molli Sparkles said…
Sending you some LGA love from another hopper! I love that sun quilt in your header. I had a look at in the quilt gallery, and you have to do more quilts like that! You can just see the colourful goodness jumping out, and you can tell you love it too. More more more!
Nilya said…
Nice to meet you. It seams as if basting is the part the most of us don´t like - me too ;-)
Nice to get to know you better...amd was so touched reading about me page where you dedicated so much love to your mum... Love all the quilts too! Thank you for sharing and blogging! A new follower. Thanks for visiting me too!
RobinSue said…
Thanks for sharing so much of yourself. You certainly had a special connection with your mom. I love your circle quilt - my new infatuation! Thanks for the tip about the Frixion pen, I must try it.
Leigh Anne said…
Lovely to get to know you a little better. Off to check out some more of your blog!
Found you via the Blog Hop! Happy to be following you and see more of your work!
RobotMomSews said…
Nice to meet you! I just checked out your other posts and I love your circle quilt! It's so lovely!!
Lisa said…
Looove your blog header - what a fun filled, colourful quilt AND so brave too - quilting in the round like that - I am such a chicken and haven't tried that yet!!!! (But I soooo want to!!!). Great to meet you!
Cari said…
Ha, I like math too (shhh). My mom did a lot of crafting when I was young too. I didn't really appreciate it then (honestly I felt a little conspicuous in her homemade clothes which were, in retrospect, lovely) but now I'm totally in awe of her and how much she did in those pre-internet days. Anyway, great to meet you!
Cloud CouCou said…
Hi, nice to 'meet' you...I'm still working my way round people! I enjoyed reading your post and agree with what you said about blogging... you have to be careful not to let it take over the actual creating. I love your Sew Sunshine quilt it's so bright and lively :) Amy
JB said…
Great post! Your sunshine quilt is gorgeous and thanks for all the tips. Need to get me one of those pens!
Lovely post! I enjoyed reading about your mother; she sounds like an amazing person. "You are my sunshine" is the song I always sing to my 4 year old son. Your Retro Rubies quilt is looking great. I meant to do that QAL, but just had too much on my plate. I do have the pattern & the fabric for it and hope to get it done later this year. Looking forward to following your blog!
The Frixion pen is on my list, thanks to you! Glad to have met you on the blog hop.
Thanks for the pen tip! The other day I was tempted to use my daughter's washable markers, but Frixion is probably better for all parties involved ;)
It's nice to meet you Kris! Thanks for sharing a little bit of you with us!
Amanda said…
I love that "yard of books" thing. What a neat idea. I am an only child so I can only dream of how amazing it might be to grow up in a family with 10 children. I love your May Modern Block 2 quilt. Pink quilts always seem to be my favourites.
Caroline said…
It sounds like you and your mom had a special quilty relationship:) great to meet you and I love your latest quilt-the pink circle one-super cute!!
Casey York said…
It's so nice to meet you on this blog hop! I have heard about the Kwik-clip tool before and may have to get one. I admire your ability to incorporate math into your projects--I am terrible at measuring so precision is kind of beyond me :)
Emily said…
Looks like you have lots of different types of projects to satisfy the need to create. I've heard a little about those Frixion marking pens and may need to investigate further!
Gwendellyn said…
I don't have a problem with basting, it's pinning that's my nemesis! I glue baste now, it's much better c: Love finding those miracle items that make things super easy for you!
Liz said…
Nice to meet you Kris! I hear ya about trying new things, I love all different kinds of crafts and hobbies! Thanks for the quick tips, I'm definitely going to check out those pens :)

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