Spring Rain - mini finish

"Spring Rain" mini
approx. 21" x 21"
blue and green hand dyed by me! (stash fabric)
watercolor background fabric
simple machine decorative stitch
More hand dyed fabric...so hard for me to cut into but I did and glad I did!
Dutchman's Puzzle Block
Classic Blocks: Fresh Fabrics for SewCanShe BOM
Read about the BOM with Caroline HERE
I know I have been a bit MIA lately. Kind of tough times mentally and physically and I have to be happy about just accomplishing something...anything really! Chin up!!! A few things are planted in the garden and if the sun decides to return I am sure it will be beautiful....eventually!
Linking up with Crazy mom quilts Finish it up Friday HERE


Pieces of Time said…
That is an awesome quilt. It makes me smile!
Jen said…
Ooo I like the blues and greens and the coleus in that top picture! I bought some coleus yesterday but still have to plant them.

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