ALYoF for March

alyof2015March already? What to pick? what to pick? I do have hundreds of these wonky squares in my leader and ender box so maybe I should just finish it? They are spreading onto the floor and on a separate cutting mat.  I am not sure if I need more sewn or if this is enough to actually be something but once I post this I guess it will be decided!! :)

Linking up with ALYoF with Fiber of all Sorts and Bittersweet Designs HERE


Clumsy Chord said…
That looks like it could be the beginning of something interesting! You could sew them into four-patches with solid white squares to make a butterfly/bowtie look (if you want to make it bigger).

I've never gotten into the habit of leaders and enders - I'm not really sure why because I see so many people doing interesting things with stuff like that.
KrisPK said…
What does leaders and enders mean?
KrisPK said…
What does leaders and enders mean?
Having organized leaders and enders that can used in the future makes such sense. Wish I had realized this years ago.

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