And the last label goes to.......Ugly Christmas Sweater Mini quilt

Ugly Christmas Sweater mini 
pattern by Lorna from Sew Fresh Quilts
27x 27
scrappy quilt
 My local modern quilt guild had an ugly christmas sweater holiday party. I did not nor do I want to own any actual sweater so I came up with using Lorna's sweater blocks on a faux knit tree skirt. I stapled garland and added felt mittens to go with the blocks.  oh and faux washi taped them on. haha

What I discovered? it is hard even if you try to pick ugly colors and combo fabrics...Lorna's pattern is just so darn cute. 
You can find more of her patterns HERE

Sadly this is horrible pick but you can see the fun tree skirt top
and the 4 way tie winners of the ugly contest.
Image may contain: 4 people, including Linda Gale and Sheila Green, people smiling, people standing and text

After the contest I dismantled my tree skirt and made another sweater so I could make a mini and finish AND use my last label. 

Caution Ugly Sweater quilt ahead...haha

and lastly.....
Went to visit my sister for Christmas. Got there just in time to help with a marshmallow snowman project my great niece was working on. 

Snowman cupcake toppers!

Nailed it! There were several cupcakes, marshmallows, jelly beans and pretzels harmed in the making of these toppers. :)

I made up a social media Christmas card and then didn't post it on my blog..duh! Oh well Happy Holidays and looking forward to a new year. 

linking up with Lorna @Sew Fresh Quilts


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