Bee Break - Exercise

Gung Fu or the Study of F
37"x 24"
Flexible Patterning Score by Sherri Lynn Wood

My Bee mates and I had a slow year last year. We decided to start this year off with a bit of a prompt for ourselves and totally optional. I got out SLW's book of scores and chose 'flexible patterning'. I picked a shape to work with that I thought would be fun to build on. The letter F. I chose a teal blue on blue color palette added in a fun Marcia Derse print and black and started the process. 

What I love about this process is that you can really let everything go. No measuring, no cutting precisely, no following directions. Any time I has a minute I just sliced off some fabric and made some kind of an F. Mixed up colors sizes whatever happened. 

Building with the building blocks. Rearranging and playing, letting the shapes sort of morph. 

Finally I had all the space filled in with the letter shape however it turned out. This took a long time...several months of playing but I am pretty happy with the end. 

I love the color palette and will probably try more things like this in the future just because there is so much to learn and be patient with. 

Home projects have filled in some of my time this year. My husband and I have started on pulling out our front stoop and getting it ready for pouring and hope it doesn't fall away like our old one. This project is a mess but slow and steady...right?

linking up with favorite finishes with Meadow Mist Designs



Debbie said…
This turned out SO lovely! I love the blue mix too + the black. Wow!
Melanie said…
I love how it turned out. Though I would not have guessed on the timeframe - but a quilt needs what it needs ;) Good luck with your renovations. xo Melanie

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