Sew Thinky Linky and Progress

Here's our question for this week:
Tell us about your sewing friends. Have your fabric tastes changed by having friends who like to sew? Do you like the same things or are you completely opposite?
I think my fabric taste changes just about every day. I have favorites and if I pile all my fabric in one place I would see that I have way more of some colors than another but I feel like a seed in a giant seed pod. I have been starting to stretch and grow in several directions. I have always liked crafty things and dabbling in this and that. I am sure you have heard the saying "jack of all trades but master of none" ...that is me.
I love being around all the new blogging friends since I started my blog. I feel everyday is a learning experience. I see a quilt-a-long and I want to do that but before the minute is over I see another group that I want to join or a quilt I want to try. I am lucky I get away from all the great ideas and easy access to buying fabric and actually sew. I just love it all so much.
I wish my mom was here to see all the things I am trying to do and the things I am learning. She taught all my sisters (7 older than me) to sew and I am so appreciative of that. I have been bombarding some of them with my recent works along with some of by reading group friends. I get some feedback but really it is just the getting it out there that pushes me to do better and try more.
This is one of my sisters showing off my moms quilt and the ribbon she won at the fair. (She sort of looks like Pat Sloan doesn't she????) haha
This is a wonderful group of ladies from my quilt guild that makes a sewing day every month to make charity "Cuddle Quilts". Cuddle Quilts Lincoln Quilt guild
I think whether it be friends, coworkers, guild members or family, I think if you surround yourself with those that love Quilts you will be encouraged to keep making them and admiring them and loving them. Look at the picture below and tell me what you think?
My nephew Matthew (son of sister above).
Progress on Hexi
I think I need to make this bigger but for right now I spent the afternoon putting the little side pieces on what i have done. I can't even tell you how many I cut wrong...ugh! Below that is a few free-form improv blocks that I made from scraps at the top of the mountain of scraps I have. :)
*** Don't forget to go over to my entry at Persimon Dreams Vote for Challenge 4=Wish upon a star
My entry - Lucky Star Thank you!!!!!
Thanks for linking up this week!