WIP - Wed

Linking up with Lee at  Freshly PiecedWIP Wednesday at Freshly PiecedWith a guest host today, Natalie from https://greenleafgoods.wordpress.com/
Okay today I am still trying to catch up from the weekend. :)

I am working on my Modern Block of the Month 2 hosted by Sew Mama Sew.
These are 24 1/2" blocks so I am thinking quick and easy...and BIG. I like!
Here is what I am playing with:

Wow they are BIG. I made 6 because I figured that size would make quite a few charity quilts quickly. I then decided for quilting purposes maybe only 4 blocks would be the best for me and All....That...Negative....Space!!!! aughhhhhhhhhh (picture the kid from Home Alone)

here is the option Alyssa has given:1
But there is also:2
and 3
and of course:4

I am playing around with using the two remaining of the six I made and mixing them with some navy blue grunge background and a few similar prints like in the tarragon (green) blocks. How would that be in style 3 with two green and two blue??? 



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