FAL wanna be?

I can't really decide what I want to do for the first quarter FinishALong but I want to try. I hope that sort of counts. :) I think I have to start low and slow and give myself some momentum to finish a few things. 

1.Skill builder BOM QAYG blocks:

I have 10 blocks sandwiched and quilted; 4 sandwiched and 6 yet to make. I would be happy to just get all the blocks done and the remaining quilted. But if I get them put together that would be great too. 

2. Craftsy 2012 BOM blocks:
I made all the blocks during 2012 but then didn't want to put them all together. So in 2013 I made 3 smaller quilts with some of the blocks and just have a few left to work into a small quilt. 

3. Metro Medallion QAL 
 This quilt top is actually sewn together. I am just a scardy-cat over quilting it. I hope for some inspiration or.... a huge snow storm! 

4.  Diamond quilt
This top is also together, back pieced I just need to sit down and quilt it somehow someway. I am just such a chicken. Both of these quilt tops are bigger than I have ever tried to quilt so I am just scared plain and simple. :O

5.  Little Black Dress charm quilt.
Together but no idea how I want to quilt it. I have to make the backing and I hope that will inspire me because this is a smaller size and I am sure I can do it. :) I have signed up for the Craftsy class with Leah Day for quilting and Angela Walters Dot to Dot so I hope they will inspire me. 

I am linking up The Littlest Thistle first quarter FinishALong
I am wishing some luck and good sewing to anyone out there with a list this quarter!!!!


kathy said…
Kris- I especially love your Diamonds quilt. All that vibrant color is so awesome! Good luck with taking the first steps toward quilting bigger projects. Kathy
Katy Cameron said…
Good luck with your list! I'm sure you'll enjoy the Craftsy classes :o)
mumasu said…
You've some stunning stuff there. I absolutely love your diamond quilt. I'm a bit the same I have several quilt tops just waiting to be completed and am also only halfway through the Skill Builder. I'm sure we'll get there!

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