ALYoF goal for August - or late again to the boating party?

I made the boat block last month for the SewCanShe classic BOM. The blocks are 24 1/2" and I was going to put them together for one boy quilt OR I have been toying with making 4 quilts and using up a bunch of fq to make the boat block the focal point. Either way I think my goal should be to do something with at least one of these blocks.

Next month I am going to try not to post this on the last day of entry. ugh
This is fair time here and I am busy with quilts and fair time fun. :)

Linking up with
also please help me and my little Zen Moon block win the Singer Circles Challenge. If you look at the upper R hand corner of my blog page you will see the link. Voting is open till the end of the month.



Terry said…
I love your boats! I think they'd look great either way you decide to put them together. Have fun! :0)
tracie c. said…
super cute boats! and i voted for your zen block.

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