Playing Catch-up ...Overlapping Dimensions

"Overlapping Dimensions" 
Improv pieced, machine free organic plaid quilting

My Big Blue inspired challenge piece for an upcoming exhibit. Our LQG used a quilt for inspiration that was made by Ardis James back in 1983. We chose 7 blocks to remake, update, modernize or reinterpret whatever way you say it.  Each block has at least 3 people modernizing it. We ended up with 25 pieces turned in. The proposal for an exhibition has been submitted to the IQSCM for a possible exhibit in the spring. This outdoor photo-shoot was so fun as my friend and fellow quilt buddy Jen was out with me. She has a piece in this challenge too and needed a photo also. 

My block was a single wedding ring block. It was pieced and then appliqued onto a background piece. I chose to do an improv interpretation of the block because I feel that if Ardis was alive today she would appreciate the deviation from the rules of traditionally made wedding ring blocks. 

I knew I wanted to focus on the positive shape that the center makes in a traditional wedding ring and to enhance the melon shapes with the appearance of many rings. 

The challenge was to emulate the colors of the original blocks so everyone could use any blue and white fabrics, shades and tints.  Most of my fabrics were some kind of texture print and I used one blue gradient. 

The back is pretty plain jane but I made a label out of some of my trial wedge pieces. I knew that this piece was going to be named something overlapping as that is the feel I was going for but the exciting thing was I searched and found this poem by Umi

"First Love
this is, where life sparkles
Where paths are crossed
Where hearts unite,
Through two overlapping dimentions
I have found you, 
And seek you, should you
So worry not my love, fate
binds us together
Hopefully forever"

I don't think this poem could be any more fitting for my wedding ring block and it reflects my feelings for my hubby. I tried to read this to my Bee mates one day and I am such a sap that all I could do was tear up. 

This quickie quilt will go to Quilts for Kids. I taught a curve workshop and precut some of my scraps into curves and members of the workshop practiced by piecing the curves. I took them back and made this easy curved quilt. So bright and cheery so I hope someone will love it. 

I did a bit of decorative stitching for fun. I always forget to use those stitches on my machine. 

Lastly, this so ugly it is cute? quilt was a scrap QAYG piece to demonstrate sew and flip on batting scraps. I had this down at the Burkholder exhibit to share a way to use up strip scraps. I used 24" x 8" batting scraps and when done this is what I had. Not my favorite looking thing but it is a nice size throw. We are still collecting quilts for Flood Relief here in Nebraska so this will go to someone.

My entry for the scrap challenge "Edit" I posted about HERE

linking up with Lorna @Sew Fresh Quilts
and Needle and thread Thursday with My Quilt infatuation


Jen said…
So many finishes! Yay! That photo shoot was fun! Now to finish something so we can go again!
Lisa J. said…
I love all of these finishes but I am very impressed with the first one. Totally cool.
Debbie said…
Really really love this, Kris! Your blues and textures work so well together. Wonderful how you made the block your own! And the poem! I totally would have teared up too!
Preeti said…
Such a beautiful poem! I love the modern interpretation of the wedding ring quilt. The colors just sing together or should I say dance in perfect harmony.

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