WIP Wed ...or what you are doing when you are really doing nothing too productive!

First of all I actually did do something productive..I finished my great nieces "Ducky" fleece robe. I think it turned out super cute and I hope it still fits her when she needs it.

Then things kind of went down hill from there. I am working on a quilt but I am not ready to share that yet. It is a lot of pieces and it will only really make sense when the top is done so I am not sharing it quite yet. So instead, I was going to share today with all of you my experiment with the lovely vegetable red/pink dye of the beets we cooked last night. I just did not want to waste the beautiful color so I got out my pretreated fabric and did some tie-dye wraps...and then I forgot about putting them in the dye after dinner.

Let's just say overnight it turned into a not so beautiful brownish prune color. So to actually do something I got out some turquoise spray dye and some yellow liquid dye and set to work on one of the pieces.

Only in my first stage here. I just heat set it after wrapping it in plastic.  I undid it and there is not near enough dye so I wrapped it up again for a second go round with more dye.  Stay tuned!
Lastly some WIP that has nothing to do with me but is happening anyway...my calla lily is growing!!!! I am so excited.  Isn't it cool?

 But wait....there is more!!!

I almost forgot. Earlier this week I did a little tip page on ripping out quilting if you have to that might be good if you are a new fmquilter. Check it out HERE
So you know I had to rip out quilting this week...see not too productive!!! but hopefully it will help someone else.

Linking up with Let's Bee Social HERE


Crafty Ashley B said…
Adorable robe! Beautiful lily! I kill most plants so I love seeing other's victories!!
Lorna McMahon said…
Glad you finished your niece's adorable ducky robe. She will love it! You sure do have me curious to see your quilt top in progress. Very nice lily... with just a slip of that flower beginning. Thanks for sharing!
Jen said…
Cute robe! I wonder what your fabric would have looked like with beet dye? Maybe the next time you have beets you can try again :)

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