Baby Paw

This week was either wind and rain, or wind and cold or just wind. I have been chomping at the bit to get out and get some photos. Today it was sun and wind so I went out. I had moments when the quilt almost went into orbit but caught a few to share at least. 

This is a Baby Paw. I have a great nephew that this is going to even though he just turned one already. ( I actually have his big brothers quilt even though he will turn 4) I digress.... ha

I had a bunch of solid bright strips in various widths so went for it. 

59" x 59" approx. 
Quilted in a organic plaid fashion

I had the cutest "Latifah Saafir" jump rope print that was perfect for the back of this one. 

Off into the wild blue yonder...ha
I hope to get this to him before he turns 5!

Linking up with Kelly @ NTT over at My Quilt Infatuation and surprise she featured my scrappy rainbow Crazy Memories which was part of the Project Quilting challenge going on over at PersimonDreams. 

Can I get a Whoop At confessions of a fabric addict


With that size quilt, he'll be able to enjoy this beauty forever!!
Debbie said…
oh this is fun!! I really like your grid quilting on it too!
What a happy quilt for a toddler. It can start with learning colors and as he grows he can read the text in the background. I have no doubt this will be well loved.
Deb Thuman said…
Are the colored strips in the top left corner a reference to the points on a Hudson Bay Blanket? The color and number of points told how much the blanket cost.
Norma Schlager said…
Such a happy, fun quilt. I’m sure baby and mom will love it.

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