PQ 12.5 = Crazy Memories

"Crazy Memories"
34" x 33.5"
scrap vortex slab leftovers in my scrap bin
decorative machine quilted and some hand big stitch

Project Quilting Challenge this week is 'You're Crazy". You can see all the entries HERE . So many interpretations. 

I wanted to do scrap something? for my challenge since I am also doing Sewthescrapoutofmarch with Tea and Brie for National Quilting month (march) When I was digging in my scrap jar, drawer, bag(s), bin, shelf....um, I found a bunch of scrap vortex(vomit some call it) that is leftover from a quilt top I made last year that still isn't quilted. :)

I had to slice and dice some colors and sew bits here and there to get enough to make my rainbow square in a square. 
I dug out some variegated threads to top stitch around the black areas. The 40 wt ones really showed nicely. It was fun to use those again. I learned that a top stitch needle in my machine worked really well as some of those scraps are seam upon seam and hard for my Bernina to get over. 
When I was stitching I realized that many of these bits of fabrics are from numerous quilts I have made. Quite a few were make for kids and given away to charity. The little kitty in the green was from a quilt my mom quilted for me by hand many years ago. 

I think there may even have been some fabrics from my moms stash as well. So not only did the embroidery needle help in this project but I hope anyone who has a stitch in the ditch foot uses it for sewing binding or decorative things. Note - I will never stitch in the ditch on purpose with a straight line because it is just too hard to keep every stitch in the ditch...but for quilting in straight lines I love the guide. And I always use for binding by machine too. 

All that reminiscing about quilts I decided to call this one Crazy Memories for the you're crazy challenge. I really like how this came together and the black lines give your eyes a place to rest in all that fabric craziness. 

Little pop of color in the drab brown out there. 

Linking up with Persimon Dreams Project Quilting 12.5 
Alycia Quilts Finished or not friday


Love, love, LOVE this Crazy scrappy quilt!!! What a good use of the remnants of your Scrap Vortex quilt top. Scraps and rainbow. What's not to love?! :o))
Oh Wow!!! this turned out so great! the colors are so amazing!!
PersimonDreams said…
It's so beautiful! You did a fantastic job! I love super scrappy quilts!
la tulipe said…
Your quilt is fabulous! I love it so much!!! I keep your idea in my mind.

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