
Baby Paw

This week was either wind and rain, or wind and cold or just wind. I have been chomping at the bit to get out and get some photos. Today it was sun and wind so I went out. I had moments when the quilt almost went into orbit but caught a few to share at least.  This is a Baby Paw. I have a great nephew that this is going to even though he just turned one already. ( I actually have his big brothers quilt even though he will turn 4) I digress.... ha I had a bunch of solid bright strips in various widths so went for it.  59" x 59" approx.  Quilted in a organic plaid fashion I had the cutest "Latifah Saafir" jump rope print that was perfect for the back of this one.  Off into the wild blue yonder...ha I hope to get this to him before he turns 5! Linking up with Kelly @  NTT over at My Quilt Infatuation  and surprise she featured my scrappy rainbow  Crazy Memories  which was part of the Project Quilting challenge going on over at PersimonDreams.  and  Off the Wall Fridays

Pool of Stars...

"Pool of stars" updated washed and crinkly  "Pool of Stars"  Kona pool that is...get it?  and the big corner bits from my jar of scraps. Kona pool is one of my favorite colors on the Kona card. Just working with all the multi colored bits proves that pool goes with everything.  I just love it.  45" x 50" approx  Stash fabrics Machine straightline quilting All the larger bits from my jar after I sorted them. I used 110 pool 5" squares and  needed 220 bits. Not a problem.  Any size and any shape works A few bigger scraps on the back that I had saved in a bag....? why? I don't know..haha The red binding was fun. I found that in a bag of scraps that I think were my moms. I am all about using some of this stuff up. If you want to join in you can join #nqmonthscrapchallenge and #sewthescrapoutofmarch with  Tea and Brie on IG  find some fun info on the blog.  Linking up with  Sarah @Can I get a whoop                                              Can&

PQ 12.5 = Crazy Memories

" Crazy Memories" 34" x 33.5" scrap vortex slab leftovers in my scrap bin decorative machine quilted and some hand big stitch Project Quilting Challenge this week is 'You're Crazy". You can see all the entries  HERE  . So many interpretations.  I wanted to do scrap something? for my challenge since I am also doing  Sewthescrapoutofmarch  with Tea and Brie for National Quilting month (march) When I was digging in my scrap jar, drawer, bag(s), bin,, I found a bunch of scrap vortex(vomit some call it) that is leftover from a quilt top I made last year that still isn't quilted. :) I had to slice and dice some colors and sew bits here and there to get enough to make my rainbow square in a square.  I dug out some variegated threads to top stitch around the black areas. The 40 wt ones really showed nicely. It was fun to use those again. I learned that a top stitch needle in my machine worked really well as some of those scraps are seam upon sea

#nqmscrapchallenge ....Excitement

I am super excited to be working on more scraps this month. I am joining in with Tea & Brie on IG for #sewthescrapoutofmarch  HERE I have already been working on organizing and cleaning up some of my bags and bags of various scraps. I made two scrap quilts already this year which you can see  HERE  for "Getting Beachy"  and  HERE  for "Scrappydo" First thing I want to tackle this month is my jar and bag of corner bits I cut off when making binding.  I did some sorting last night and found I have bits that are small and then some a little larger. I think I have an idea so I am grabbing the bigger bits first and using some charm pack sized solid fabric to sew these too.  Looks kinda messy now so I hope this idea works. I have 110 solid 5" squares so that means I am using at this point 220 bits ....woohoo! I think that is a start.  I just love seeing the stack of bits go down. I know some of these pieces of fabric have been in 4 or more quilts. It is time for

PQ 12. 4 already = Animal Tales n Trails

Project Quilting 12.4 challenge this week is inspired by the Snail Trail block. You can find details about the challenge with Kim from  Persimon Dreams . I have to say I am not really a fan of that snail trail block.  It does change things when it is paired with other blocks or by the use of color.  I played around with drawing a few ideas. I just kept thinking of a vortex and I wanted to do that improvisationally.  Not really what I had in mind for this challenge.  I started to think what could I do with 2 colors and then instead how could I make it more colors that the traditional 2 or 4. I tried 8 and this is what I came up with.  I tried to simulate a few colors into how this would work. I think my finished result is not quite right. I think I ended up with a few triangles left over and maybe a wrong color here or there but still I like the result.  Just like in my last post, I am out trampling around in the snow and it is so pretty and calm out here. I forget I am supposed to be t

Scrappydo 2

I put my boots on and went to a few of my photo haunts today. Some easy to get to others not so much because of all the piled up snow. It was so beautiful and calm outside this morning. Fog and rime on trees and surfaces.  Anyway, scrappy scraps here was what I was working on trying to get to the bottom of my scrap bin. Can't even see a dent yet so....more to come hopefully.  You can't really see how beautiful this tree frost is but take my word.  You can see a little more on that front branch.  Oh yeah back to the quilt..... I think I am walking in deer tracks and other various critters.  I could have went scrappier on the back of this one but with so many seams on the front it just felt safer to use a bigger piece. I have plenty of those in my stash too.  This scrap quilt measures 50" x 56" All stash/scraps diamond grid straight line quilting My other recent scrap quilt can be found  HERE linking up with Sarah and  Can I get a whoop whoop and Wendy @  Peacock Party

2 Print More Modern HST quilt

  More Modern HST from 2020 in 2 prints. This was a QAL by lqg member Steph Jacobson over at  Steph Jacobsons designs  blog.  My quilt is made from the 12 main months of the qal. It measures approx. 60" x 60" I flipped the placement around to put my small print in the main blocks and the big black and white in the background. It was a fun experiment and the reason I did it was I had those two in my stash. I thought I had enough to do the extra bonus blocks but I did not. ha A slight draw back from using up your stash but I am still happy to use what I can. I made the top at the end of last year so technically this is also a UFO. yay! Snow then and snow now. Only difference it today the high is in single digits. I made a quick dart out back to get the quilted pic and the back.  (Feb 20th...went out for more pics)Update: Okay so this is more the scene pretty out there in the early morning fog. :) The back was super fun to do. I used up several smaller bits I had in m

P. Q. 12.3 - Getting Beachy

Image quilt! As soon as project quilting 12.2 was over I set out to start to tackle some scraps. Bags and bags and bags of scraps. You know, you finish a project and some scraps go in a bag, or you go out to a sew day (well in the old days) and you take limited stuff with you and then you come home so tired you don't put away and you end up with...bags! I probably emptied and stripped 12 or 13 smallish bags. Some of course had to stay in bags as that project may not have been finished.  Still I started sewing strips together after cutting and making size piles.  I was making some pretty good progress...then  Project Quilting 12.3 Virtual Vacation  came out on Sunday. You have to start a project after the theme is given out. So when I went to see the challenge I came across Sarah's post for  String Therapy tutorials  @ Confessions of a Quilt Addict. This tutorial she got from Christina HERE  from the blog A few scraps. Her tutorial was for the scrappy stri