February Report Card

Too Short! That is what February was. I did finish a few things and make some progress on another. So here is the monthly report:

First up:
-Scrappy Trip Around the world. The blogging craze that was started by Bonnie Hunter over at Quiltville.
Mine went to a great local chapter of Project Linus

Ackkkkkkk! I am adding this a day late: I finished a UFO from last year and I can't believe I didn't get it in my report! My Charlie Brown charity quilt was sandwiched and quilted. I have not give it away yet but it is in the stack to go. :)

Next, I signed up for the A Lovely Year of Finishes over at Fiber of all sorts  and
I finished my challenge to complete an item. 
This is the Birdbath quilt pattern by Elizabeth Hartman. I am giving this to my niece for
Relay for life auction coming up (stay tuned for a chance to bid in the silent auction). I have not shown this to her yet. :)

Along with that I made a tote - Denise Schmidt Hope Market tote free pattern online. Turned out okay but was very thick and with the canvas it was extra hard to get it to turn out with a good finish.

Project Quilting season 4 I made entry 3 and 4 (4 is being voted on yet this week)
 You can still vote Here

Caught up on my BOM groups:

 Made a cute block for a 5 year olds special birthday quilt
Treasure purse block paperpieced. 

Make it and wear it for Feb = Silky top (as soon as it is warmer)

I am working on a few other things and always coming up with new ideas for more projects. 

My next project for A Lovely Year of Finishes is...............................
to do something with my Craftsy BOM blocks from 2012. I have 20 blocks and think I want to challenge myself to putting together at least 10 of them in a charity quilt maybe. This is some of the blocks. I think I can do a mix of colors or seperate them into two color schemes. We will see ....the challenge is on for March!


Gwen said…
wow! You got a LOT done in February--you should have NO problem completing your March goal. Good luck!
Carla said…
Great finishes for February. You rocked it. I have all those Craftsy BOMs too. That's a great April project for me. I'll see your finish before I start on mine...
jeifner said…
Sheesh, you made so many things! Way to go.
I LOVE your HOPE bag and am even more looking forward to your March finish! I really, really like this quilt!! So glad you linked up at Tuesday Archives...it's kinda fun reposting things huh! :)Val from myplvl.blogspot.com
PS: THANKS for adding my button to your blog! THAT is soooo cool to see! Next week will be Applique and Apples....I think I may have an Apple pincushion...but know I have animals in the archives!! Happy Tuesday!

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