Finish it up Friday, Sat

Friday... I mean Saturday already. I am slow to the linky party but I will say I had some fun making the last two blocks for my SkillBuilder BOM from 2013 @ Pileofabrics. 

This is the flange block and it was so fun to do. I have done some circles like this before but the extra wide flange not. I love how it came together.  I loved it so much I decided on doing some tiny piecing for the final block in the series since I was not doing the applique blocks. Here is what I came up with:
I see the sun must have just been coming out when I snapped this one. oops!
I love the misaligned lines. 

Most importantly all 20 blocks are finished and I just need to quilt up the last half of them before learning how to piece the quilted blocks together. I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel! :)

Linking up with Crazy mom Quilts Finish it up Friday HERE 


Anonymous said…
I adore that stripey block. It reminds me of birch trees. I love them!!!
esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com

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