Finish it up

Well, I was hoping to have a complete finish today instead I just have a finished top. I am in slug-bug mode and can't seem to snap out of it. I did snap a pic of the top though so that is progress.

 Tumbler blocks - Lava Lamp style from a older magazine which I will write about when I have my finish. The fabric is mostly Flight Pattern from Michael Miller. It is hard to see some of the light print fabrics but it is so joyful up close. I waited all day for the sun to shine and it was...? not sure what happened there. 

Then I put up a few more Mod Olive QAL (sewkindofwonderful) blocks up and took a pic of my design wall.

Not sure how I am going to lay them out yet but I have half the blocks done so far. They are a bit tricky and I am not liking some of the seams but for now this is progress. 

Linking up with Crazy mom Quilts HERE


Lorna McMahon said…
What a bright and fun lava lamp quilt top! It is just gorgeous! And those curves in the Mod Olive look great! Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours, Kris!
Great finish!!! Love all your color combos.
Lynn said…
What a fun quilt top! I love those colors.
barbara woods said…
love your tumbler quilt
Unknown said…
Great job on the Mod Olives. I have been following that QAL, but haven't actually done it. I got the curved template for Christmas, just need to try it. Yours look good!
Melissa said…
Wow! Two beautiful quilts in progress!!!

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