Playing with the QCR mini

Our weather has been pretty crazy with the ice and cold and warmth the last few days. I decided to work at playing with the Quick Curve Ruler mini that I have. I wanted to make some plain drunkards path blocks and then play with layout.  I decided a pillow was a great way to accomplish something. I chose colors that would work in my living room and set out to play. 
I came up with many layouts but our guild is going to focus on circles and curves as we start our new year so I went with this layout. 
I was not able to achieve a perfect circle with the mini ruler but I like the sort of organic feel this layout has. I added uneven logs around the edges to keep that feel. 

I am going to try something similar with the regular size ruler to help with a demo I will be giving soon. The Quick Curve Ruler by SewKindofWonderful is a really easy tool to use if you want to try your hand at curve sewing. The slope of the curve make it an easy sew with no pins required.  Normally I don't buy many specialty rulers but I love these as I was able to build up my confidence in curve sewing. This has helped me tremendously when I do improv curve piecing.   This is not a paid ad...I just love the rulers.   If you have one sitting around and have yet to try it...please give it a go. Let me know if you do. 

Here are some of my other pieces using the rulers: 

Linking up with Let's Bee Social today over at Sew Fresh Quilts 
also Kelly at My Quilt Infatuaion


Margaret said…
I really like everything you've shown! Your colours speak to me and I love quilts with curves.
Adding curved piecing is on my 'to learn' list for this year. I have the QCR ruler, but not the mini. I made one mini quilt just for practice but need to do a lot more playing. I love what you did with your pillow, and the abacus quilt is super cool! Thanks for sharing your inspirational pieces. :)

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